Monday, May 5, 2008

The City

Good people don’t turn bad overnight.
So when you leave I will still be here,

It’s true, but come back.
Time does pass and things do change,
Though, for better or worse, they mostly stay the same.

You have left your mark,
And a piece of you will always be with me,
As I hope I am always with you.

Time well spent is never wasted.

With Love,
New York City

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Self Satisfaction

Happiness from within
On one’s self does depend.
And so it is my goal in life,
To live a life
That I would like.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Meus Mens

He pulls them from a hat,
The colorful magician.
Idle simplicity.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I would rather a broken heart.

Love immeasurably shattered,
Its shards strewn and far flung
Because then could I idly hope
To pick up all the pieces.

My heart was stolen
And though I know the thief
I can report no crime.

Now lesser I am,
Still better it is
To live crippled by what was
Than never to know
What could have been.